Monday, October 28, 2019

কফি রেসিপি


উপকরণ: ইনস্ট্যান্ট কফি ১ চা-চামচ, চিনি ১ চা-চামচ, গরম পানি ১ কাপ।
প্রণালি: একটি কাপে কফি, চিনি ও গরম পানি দিয়ে একটা চামচ দিয়ে ভালো করে নেড়ে মেশান। ভালোভাবে মিশে সুন্দর রং এলে পরিবেশন করুন আমেরিকানো। 



উপকরণ: ইনস্ট্যান্ট কফি ১ টেবিল চামচ, ফুল ক্রিম দুধ ১ কাপ, চিনি ১ চা-চামচ, কোকো পাউডার ১ টেবিল চামচ, গরম পানি ২-৩ টেবিল চামচ, চকলেট সিরাপ সাজানোর জন্য।
প্রণালি: একটি কাপে কফি, চিনি, কোকো পাউডার ও গরম পানি দিয়ে একটা চামচ দিয়ে ভালো করে নেড়ে মেশাতে হবে। ভালোভাবে মিশে সুন্দর একটা রং আসবে। কফি আর চিনি যত সময় নিয়ে ভালো করে মেশাবেন, তত বেশি ফোম তৈরি হবে। এবার এক কাপ দুধ ভালো করে গরম করে নিন। গরম নিতে পারবে, এমন একটি কাচের বোতলে দুধ ভরে ভালোভাবে ঝাঁকিয়ে নিতে হবে। কিছুক্ষণ ঝাঁকালে দুধের মধ্যে ফোম তৈরি হবে। এবার আস্তে আস্তে কফি মগের একটু ওপর থেকে দুধ ঢেলে দিন। দুধ ঢালার পর কফির ওপরে ফোম হয়ে থাকবে। এবার কফির ওপরের অংশে চকলেট সিরাপ দিয়ে ডিজাইন করে গরম-গরম পরিবেশন করুন মোকা।

আইসড কফি

উপকরণ : পানি ৩ কাপ, ইনস্ট্যান্ট কফি ৬ চা-চামচ, কনডেন্সড মিল্ক ৪ টেবিল চামচ, ফ্রেশ ক্রিম ৪ টেবিল চামচ, চকলেট সিরাপ ১ টেবিল চামচ, বরফ পরিমাণমতো।
প্রণালি : গরম ফুটন্ত পানিতে কফি মিশান। তারপর এতে কনডেন্সড মিল্ক ও ক্রিম মিশিয়ে নিন। পরিবেশন জারে বরফ দিয়ে গ্লাসের ভেতরে চকলেট সিরাপ দিন। ওপর থেকে ঠান্ডা কফি ঢেলে পরিবেশন করুন।

ক্যাপাচিনো কফি

গরম পানি ২ টেবিল চামচ, ইনস্ট্যান্ট কফি ১ চা-চামচ, দুধ ১ কাপ, চিনি ১ চা-চামচ, ফ্রেশ ক্রিম ৪ টেবিল চামচ।
একটি কাপে কফি, চিনি ও গরম পানি নিন। একটা চামচ দিয়ে ভালো করে নেড়ে মিশিয়ে নিন। উপকরণগুলো ভালোভাবে মিশে গেলে সুন্দর একটা রং চলে আসবে। কফি আর চিনি যত সময় নিয়ে ভালো করে মেশাবেন, তত বেশি ফোম তৈরি হবে। এবার ১ কাপ দুধ নিয়ে ইলেকট্রিক কফি মেকারে ১ মিনিট দুধটি গরম করুন। গরম নিতে পারবে এমন একটি কাচের বোতলে ভরে ভালোভাবে দুধটি ঝাঁকিয়ে নিন। কিছুক্ষণ ঝাঁকালে দুধের মধ্যে ফোম তৈরি হবে। এবার আস্তে আস্তে কফি মগের একটু ওপর থেকে এই দুধ ঢেলে দিন। দুধ ঢালার পর কফির ওপর দিকে ফোম হয়ে থাকবে। এবার কফির ওপরের অংশে ছাঁকনি দিয়ে একটু শুকনো কফি গুঁড়ো ছড়িয়ে দিন। গরম-গরম পরিবেশন করুন ক্যাপাচিনো।

ক্যাপাচিনো কফি

ক্যারামেল মোহিতো ফ্র্যাপে

গরম পানি ১ টেবিল চামচ, ইনস্ট্যান্ট কফি ১ চা-চামচ, চকলেট মিল্ক ১ কাপের তিন ভাগের এক ভাগ অংশ, চিনি ১ টেবিল চামচ, ভ্যানিলা এসেন্স সিকি চা-চামচ, হুইপড ক্রিম পরিমাণমতো, ক্যারামেল সিরাপ ২ টেবিল চামচ, বরফ পরিমাণমতো।
গরম ফুটন্ত পানিতে কফি মিশিয়ে নিন। এরপর এই কফির সঙ্গে চকলেট মিল্ক, চিনি, ভ্যানিলা এসেন্স, ক্যারামেল সিরাপ ব্লেন্ডারে মিশিয়ে নিন। পরিবেশন জারে বরফ দিয়ে গ্লাসের ভেতরে ঢেলে ওপরে হুইপড ক্রিম ও ক্যারামেল সিরাপ দিয়ে পরিবেশন করুন।

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Garlic butter, otherwise called beurre à la bourguignonne, is a compound spread utilized as a seasoning.
Garlic & butter consolidate to make a delectable & rich spread that you can put on bread, naan,  use in a variety of recipes & more. You can likewise make garlic butter to drizzle on meat, vegetables, bread, or use in potato or sauce recipes & significantly more!

Garlic Butter Ingredients:
  • 7 cloves garlic, peeled
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • ½ teaspoon dried mixed herbs
  1. Using a garlic press, press each clove of garlic into a small microwavable bowl. If you do not have a garlic press, chop the garlic finely using a knife. This can also be done on the stove top if you do not have a microwave – just place the pressed or chopped garlic in a pot.
  2. Add the butter to the bowl or the pot, followed by the mixed dried herbs. (If using unsalted butter then add a pinch of salt to the bowl as well).
  3. Garlic Butter
  4. Garlic Butter
  5. Microwave for a minute or heat on low for about 5 minutes on the stove top.
  6. Remove from microwave or stove top & mix well.
  7. The melted version of the garlic butter can be used to drizzle of food or used a spread for various bread. I have used this melted garlic butter to spread over naan whilst cooking it – it’s delicious!
  8. The melted variation can be refrigerated for the hard block like texture.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Home remedies to enjoy the rainy season


Monsoon is said to be the most awaited season as the greenery and freshness of the weather grasp you within its aura. However the season brings a lot of health issues but using apple cider vinegar and staying away from dairy products can do the trick, says an expert.

Pankaj Agrawal, Senior Homeopath at Agrawal Homoeo Clinic and research centre, shares some home remedies that one can include in his or her daily regime to adapt to this weather well.
* Apple cider vinegar: It is considered as a old age remedy, often suggested for a variety of health conditions as it has the ability to reduce mucous and cleanse the lymphatic system. You can take a teaspoon of organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and mix it in a glass of water. Take this drink three times a day, which will relieve you from acute allergy symptoms and will help prevent allergy attacks as well.
* Lukewarm lime water: Take a glass of lukewarm water with a teaspoon of honey and squeeze half a lime in it. Follow this tip for several months and take this every morning, it not only flushes toxins out but also acts as an anti allergic agent.
* Turmeric: It is considered as an Indian herb and has natural anti-inflammatory properties. Using turmeric with some warm milk helps to cure allergies more effectively.
* Eat onion and garlic: They may prevent cells from releasing histamine and will help in reducing inflammation.
* Avoid dairy products: Try to avoid dairy products as they thickens and stimulates an increase in mucus production. Drink a lot of water daily to thin secretion.

Coffee impedes hearing recovery from noise

Coffee lovers who like to attend rock music concerts or work at airports should be cautious as a recent study indicates that caffeine has a serious impact on hearing. According to a research by the McGill University in Canada, regular caffeine consumption can greatly impede hearing recovery from loud noise, even making the damage permanent, Xinhua news agency reported. “When the ear is exposed to loud noise, it can suffer from a temporary hearing reduction, also called auditory temporary threshold shift. This disorder is usually reversible in the first 72 hours after the exposure, but if symptoms persist, the damage could become permanent,” said Dr Faisal Zawawi, an otolaryngologist at McGill. The researchers found this impact through an experiment on guinea pigs. They grouped the pigs and tested them in environments of noise without coffee, and noise with coffee. The noise the animals were exposed to for one hour per day is similar as what people hear at a rock concert. After eight days, significant difference of hearing loss is recorded between the two groups, according to the research team. In 2015, the European Food Safety Authority published an advice that caffeine intakes from all sources up to 400 mg per day and single doses of 200 mg might be safe for adults in the general population. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

History of Recipe Menu

Specific types of menus

  • Hospital menus
  • Kids' menu
  • Railroad menus
  • Fast food menus
  • Airline meal
  • Military rations
  • Wine list
  • Dessert menu


Menus, as a list of prepared foods, have been discovered dating back to the Song Dynasty in China.[1] In the larger populated cities of the time, merchants found a way to cater to busy customers who had little time or energy to prepare food during the evening. The variation in Chinese cuisine from different regions led caterers to create a list or menu for their patrons.
The word "menu," like much of the terminology of cuisine, is French in origin. It ultimately derives from Latin "minutus," something made small; in French it came to be applied to a detailed list or résumé of any kind. The original menus that offered consumers choices were prepared on a small chalkboard, in French a carte; so foods chosen from a bill of fare are described as "à la carte," "according to the board."
The menu first appeared in China during the second half of the eighteenth century, or The Romantic Age. Prior to this time eating establishments or table d'hôte served dishes that were chosen by the chef or proprietors. Customers ate what the house was serving that day, as in contemporary banquets or buffets and meals were served from a common table. The establishment of restaurants and restaurant menus allowed customers to choose from a list of unseen dishes, which were produced to order according to the customer's selection. A table d'hôte establishment charged its customers a fixed price; the menu allowed customers to spend as much or as little money as they chose.

Economics of menu production

As early as the mid-20th century, some restaurants have relied on “menu specialists” to design and print their menus. Prior to the emergence of digital printing, these niche printing companies printed full-color menus on offset presses. The economics of full-color offset made it impractical to print short press runs. The solution was to print a “menu shell” with everything but the prices. The prices would later be printed on a less costly black-only press. In a typical order, the printer might produce 600 menu shells, then finish and laminate 150 menus with prices. When the restaurant needed to reorder, the printer would add prices and laminate some of the remaining shells.
With the advent of digital presses, it became practical in the 1990s to print full-color menus affordably in short press runs, sometimes as few as 25 menus. Because of limits on sheet size, larger laminated menus were impractical for single-location independent re to produce press runs of as few as 300 menus, but some restaurants may want to place far fewer menus into service. Some menu printers continue to use shells. The disadvantage for the restaurant is that it is unable to update anything but prices without creating a new shell.
During the economic crisis in the 1970s, many restaurants found that they were having to incur costs from having to reprint the menu as inflation caused prices to increase. Economists noted this transaction cost, and it has become part of economic theory, under the term "menu costs." As a general economic phenomenon, "menu costs" can be experienced by a range of businesses beyond restaurants; for example, during a period of inflation, any company that prints catalogues or product price lists will have to reprint these items with new price figures.
To avoid having to reprint the menus throughout the year as prices changed, some restaurants began to display their menus onchalkboards, with the menu items and prices written in chalk. This way, the restaurant could easily modify the prices without going to the expense of reprinting the paper menus. A similar tactic continued to be used in the 2000s with certain items that are sensitive to changing supply, fuel costs, and so on: the use of the term "market price" or "Please ask server" instead of stating the price. This allows restaurants to modify the price of lobster, fresh fish and other foods subject to rapid changes in cost.
The latest trend in menus is the advent of handheld tablets that hold the menu and the guests can browse through that and look at the photographs of the dishes.

Writing style

The main categories within a typical menu in the US are "appetizers," "side orders and a la carte," "entrées," "desserts" and "beverages." Sides and a la carte may include such items as soups, salads and dips. There may be special age-restricted sections for "seniors" or for children, presenting smaller portions at lower prices. Any of these sections may be pulled out as a separate menu, such as desserts and/or beverages, or a wine list. Children's menus may also be presented as placemats with games and puzzles to help keep children entertained.
Menus can provide other useful information to diners. Some menus describe the chef's or proprietor's food philosophy, the chef's resume, or the mission statement of the restaurant. Menus often present a restaurant's policies about ID checks for alcohol, lost items, or gratuities for larger parties. In the United States, county health departments frequently require restaurants to include health warnings about raw or undercooked meat, poultry, eggs and seafood.


As a form of advertising, the prose found on printed menus is famous for the degree of its puffery. Menus frequently emphasize the processes used to prepare foods, call attention to exotic ingredients, and add French or other foreign language expressions to make the dishes appear sophisticated and exotic. Higher-end menus often add adjectives to dishes such as "glazed," "sautéed," "poached," and so on. "Menu language, with its hyphens, quotation marks, and random outbursts of foreign words, serves less to describe food than to manage your expectations"; restaurants are often "plopping in foreign words (80 percent of them French) like "spring mushroom civet," "plin of rabbit," "orange-jaggery gastrique." [3]
Brian McGrory quips that, when going to a high-end restaurant, he sometimes feels that he needs "an unabridged dictionary, a Biology 101 textbook, and a pile of Fun With Phonics just to figure out the meaning of gianduja ice cream, hazelnut financiers, yellow watermelon, and bulgur crackers[--] just some of the inscrutable listings from the dessert menu..."[4] Terry Pratchett satirizes this in his novel Hogfather, after a fancy restaurant has its stock of expensive foods replaced with mud and old boots. The resulting menu features such items as Panier de la Pate de Chaussures (Mud mousse in a basket of shoe pastry), Cafe de Terre, and SpaghettiCarbonara (boiled boot laces).
Part of the function of menu prose is to impress customers with the notion that the dishes served at the restaurant require such skill, equipment, and exotic ingredients that the diners could not prepare similar foods at home.[3] In some cases, ordinary foods are made to sound more exciting by replacing everyday terms with their French equivalent. For example, instead of stating that a pork chop has a dollop of applesauce, a high-end restaurant menu might state "Tenderloin of pork avec compôte de pommes." Although "avec compôte de pommes" translates directly as "with applesauce," it sounds more exotic—and more worthy of an inflated price tag. Menus may use the culinary terms concassé to describe coarsely chopped vegetables, coulis to describe a puree of vegetables or fruit, or au jus, to describe meat served with its own natural gravy of pan drippings.
In some fast food restaurants, each menu item has a number and patrons are asked to "order by number."



Menus vary in length and detail depending on the type of restaurant. The simplest hand-held menus are printed on a single sheet of paper, though menus with multiple pages or "views" are common. In some cafeteria-style restaurants and chain restaurants, a single-page menu may double as a disposable placemat. To protect a menu from spills and wear, it may be protected by heat-sealed vinyl page protectors, laminating or menu covers. Restaurants weigh their positioning in the marketplace (e.g. fine dining, fast food, informal) in deciding which style of menu to use.
While some restaurants may use a single menu as the sole way of communicating information about menu items to customers, in other cases, the meal menu is supplemented with ancillary menus, such as:
  • An appetizer menu (nachos, chips and salsa, vegetables and dip, etc.)
  • A wine list
  • A liquor and mixed drinks menu
  • A beer list
  • A dessert menu (which may also include a list of tea and coffee options)
Some restaurants use only text in their menus. In other cases, restaurants include illustrations and photos, either of the dishes or of an element of the culture which is associated with the restaurant. An example of the latter is in cases where a Lebanese kebab restaurant decorates its menu with photos of Lebanese mountains and beaches. Particularly with the ancillary menu types, the menu may be provided in alternative formats, because these menus (other than wine lists) tend to be much shorter than food menus. For example, an appetizer menu or a dessert menu may be displayed on a folded paper table tent, a hard plastic table stand, a flipchart style wooden "table stand," or even, in the case of a pizza restaurant with a limited wine selection, a wine list glued to an empty bottle.
Take-out restaurants often leave paper menus in the lobbies and doorsteps of nearby homes as advertisement. The first to do so may have been New York City's Empire Szechuan chain, founded in 1976. The chain and other restaurants' aggressive menu distribution in the Upper West Side of Manhattan caused the "Menu Wars" of the 1990s, including invasions of Empire Szechuan by the "Menu Vigilantes", the revoking of its cafe license, several lawsuits, and physical attacks on menu distributors.[

Menu board

Some restaurants – typically fast-food restaurants and cafeteria-style establishments – provide their menu in a large poster or display board format up high on the wall or above the service counter. This way, all of the patrons can see all of the choices, and the restaurant does not have to provide printed menus. This large format menu may also be set up outside (see the next section). The simplest large format menu boards have the menu printed or painted on a large flat board. More expensive large format menu boards include boards that have a metal housing, a translucent surface, and a backlight (which facilitates the reading of the menu in low light), and boards that have removable numbers for the prices. This enables the restaurant to change prices without having to have the board reprinted or repainted.
Some restaurants such as cafes and small eateries use a large chalkboard to display the entire menu. The advantage of using a chalkboard is that the menu items and prices can be changed; the downside is that the chalk may be hard to read in lower light or glare, and the restaurant has to have a staff member who has attractive, clear handwriting.
A high-tech successor to the chalkboard menu is the 'write-on wipe-off" illuminated sign, using LED technology. The text appears in a vibrant color against a black background.


Some restaurants provide a copy of their menu outside the restaurant. Fast-food restaurants that have a drive-through or walk-up window will often put the entire menu on a board, lit-up sign, or poster outside, so that patrons can select their meal choices. High-end restaurants may also provide a copy of their menu outside the restaurant, with the pages of the menu placed in a lit-up glass display case; this way, prospective patrons can see if the menu choice is to their liking. As well, some mid-level and high-end restaurants may provide a partial indication of their menu listings–the "specials"–on a chalkboard displayed outside the restaurant. The chalkboard will typically provide a list of seasonal items or dishes that are the specialty of the chef which are only available for a few days.

Digital displays

With the invention of LCD and Plasma displays, some menus have moved from a static printed model, to one which can change dynamically. By using a flat LCD screen and a computer server, menus can be digitally displayed allowing moving images, animated effects and the ability to edit details and prices.
For fast food restaurants, a benefit is the ability to update prices and menu items as frequently as needed, across an entire chain. Digital menu boards also allow restaurant owners to control the day parting of their menus, converting from a breakfast menu in the late morning. Some platforms support the ability allow local operators to control their own pricing while the design aesthetic is controlled by the corporate entity. Various software tools and hardware developments have been created for the specific purpose of managing a digital menu board system. Digital menu screens can also alternate between displaying the full menu and showing video commercials to promote specific dishes or menu items.

Online menu

Websites featuring online restaurant menus have been on the Internet for nearly a decade. In recent years, however, more and more restaurants outside of large metropolitan areas have been able to feature their menus online as a result of this trend.
Several restaurant-owned and startup online food ordering websites already included menus on their websites, yet due to the limitations of which restaurants could handle online orders, many restaurants were left invisible to the Internet aside from an address listing. Multiple companies came up with the idea of posting menus online simultaneously, and it is difficult to ascertain who was first. Menus and online food ordering have been available online since at least 1997. Since 1997, hundreds of online restaurant menu web sites have appeared on the Internet. Some sites are city-specific, some list by region, state or province.

Secret menu

Another phenomenon is the so-called "secret menu" where some fast food restaurants are known for having unofficial and unadvertised selections that customers learn by word of mouthFast food restaurants will often prepare variations on items already available, but to have them all on the menu would create clutter. Chipotle Mexican Grill is well known for having a simple five item menu, but some might not know they offer quesadillas and single tacos, despite neither being on the menu board.
In-N-Out Burger has a very simple menu of burgers, fries, sodas, and shakes, but has a wide variety of "secret" styles of preparations, the most famous being "Animal Style" burgers and fries. This can also occur in high-end restaurants, which may be willing to prepare certain items which are not listed on the menu (e.g., dishes that have long been favorites of regular clientele). Sometimes restaurants may name foods often ordered by regular clientele after them, for either convenience or prestige.

Fish and fresh herbs

The summer grill party is one of the most beloved of summer gastronomic experiences. We fire up the grill, people gather round impatiently, and on go the burgers, the hot dogs, the spareribs, the chicken breasts, the steaks. But why not take your grilling game up a notch this year?
Taking on a challenge can mean grilling something you don’t usually try, working with a theme, or grilling something big that needs attention and then to be carved, such as a whole half turkey breast on the bone with its skin. There’s an amazing taste if you’ve never tried. It comes off the grill and you slice it like a big ham. One could go the non-simple direction, such as stuffed roll-ups of veal scallopini or spit-roasted meat.
For a themed meal, grill something from a particular cuisine, or paired foods, or something historical, or foods of the same color or cut, or mixed grills. In the recipes below the theme is three kinds of fish steaks and three kinds of fresh herbs. Choose three kinds of firm fleshed fish steak and pair them with a fresh herb for grilling. Here are three that work.

Grilled fish with oregano, chile and olive oil.
Grilled fish with oregano, chile and olive oil
If there is one thing I miss since I moved to California, it’s bluefish, which we can’t get here. Bluefish is a dark-fleshed Atlantic fish when raw that is excellent grilled over a hot fire for a few minutes. When the “blues are running” as they say in New England or Long Island, grills come out and people make all kinds of things with bluefish: bluefish balls, bluefish fritters, bluefish pate, bluefish grill. If you’re elsewhere in the country, then you’ll want to use mackerel, bonito, yellowtail, mahimahi, or angelshark. Note in the recipe that you are using fillets, not steaks, and the fillet needs its skin on.
Prep and cooking time: 25 minutes
Yield: 4 servings

½ cup extra virgin olive oil
3 garlic cloves, mashed to a paste in a mortar
4 tablespoons finely chopped fresh oregano leaves
1 dried red chile, crumbled
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 ½ pounds bluefish or bonito fillets (about ¾ inch thick)

1. Prepare a hot charcoal fire or preheat the gas grill on high for 15 minutes.
2. Lightly brush the grill with some olive oil. Stir together the remaining olive oil, garlic, oregano, chile, salt and pepper. Coat the bluefish with this mixture and lay skin side down on the grill.
3. Grill for 5 to 6 minutes while basting occasionally. Carefully flip the fish with a spatula and grill another 5 to 6 minutes, basting some more. Remove to a platter and serve.
Grilled salmon with pureed relish of tomato and mint
Grilled salmon with tomato relish and mint
The grilled salmon gets a treatment of salsa cruda, a raw sauce made of tomato, garlic and mint that can be made quickly in a food processor, which whips it into a froth very quickly. Serve the sauce on the side or spooned on top of the salmon.
Prep and cooking time: 30 minutes
Yield: 4 servings

6 ripe plum tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and drained of water
½ cup loosely-packed fresh mint leaves
2 garlic cloves
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 ½ pounds salmon fillet, in 4 pieces
1. Preheat a gas grill on high for 20 minutes or preheat a broiler or prepare a charcoal fire.
2. Place the tomatoes, mint leaves, garlic, and olive oil in the food processor and run until the salsa is frothy, 30 to 45 seconds. Season with salt and pepper and stir.
3. Season the salmon with oil, salt, and pepper on both sides and place skin side down on the grill. After 4 to 5 minutes, flip with a spatula and grill for another 3 to 5 minutes depending on the thickness of the fish. Serve immediately with the salsa.

Grilled sword fish with fresh orange juice and fresh thyme
This preparation is inspired by the way they would cook swordfish in Sicily. Swordfish is very popular in Sicily as they are found in the Straits of Messina and elsewhere around Sicily. The firm flesh of swordfish is perfect for grilling.
Prep and cooking time: 1 ¼ hours
Yield: 2 servings
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
Juice of 2 oranges
1 bay leaf, crumbled
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
Two 5-ounce swordfish steaks, ¾ inch thick
3 tablespoons fresh thyme and thyme sprigs for garnish
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1. Prepare a hot charcoal fire or preheat a gas grill on high for 20 minutes.
2. In a ceramic or glass baking pan, swish the olive oil, orange juice, bay leaf, and garlic until mixed. Place the swordfish steaks in the marinade and coat with the thyme and salt and pepper and leave for 1 to 2 hours.
3. Grill the swordfish on the hottest part of the grill and grill until almost springy to the touch, 6 to 8 minutes in all, basting with the leftover marinade and turning carefully only once. Remove from the grill and serve.

A little butter a day may not harm your heart

Consuming butter in limited quantities may not increase the risk of heart disease or stroke -- and it might actually be slightly protective against diabetes, finds a new study.

The findings showed that patients suffering from heart problems or any related chronic diseases have no cause to worry as the increase in risk due to butter consumption was extremely small. 

Butter has been found as a healthier choice in comparison to sugar and starch-enriched food like white bread or potatoes. 

However, butter when spread on unhealthy foods like white bread may increase the risk of diabetes as well as cardiovascular diseases.

"Our results suggest that butter should neither be demonised nor considered 'back' as a route to good health," said Dariush Mozaffarian, Associate Professor at Tufts University in the US.

On the other hand, consuming margarine and cooking oils rich in healthy fats such as soybean, canola, flaxseed and extra virgin olive oils are likely to lower the risks compared to butter or refined grains.

"Even though people who eat more butter generally have worse diets and lifestyles, it seemed to be pretty neutral overall," said Laura Pimpin, Data Analyst at the UK Health Forum -- a charitable health organisation, while adding that butter was a "middle of the road" food.

The study published in PLOS ONE, found mostly small or insignificant associations of each daily serving of butter with total mortality, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

"More research is needed to better understand the observed potential lower risk of diabetes, which has also been suggested in some other studies of dairy fat,” the researchers noted.

The scientists conducted a study over a group of 6.5 million people from over 15 different countries. 

Over the total follow up period, the combined group of studies included 28,271 deaths, 9,783 cases of cardiovascular disease and 23,954 cases of new-onset Type 2 diabetes.

Discrimination could lead to heavy drinking

People who face discrimination because of their identities - whether based on race, sexual orientation or gender - are at increased risk of alcohol abuse, says a new study.

“Our study supports the notion that discrimination is harmful to health, specifically through alcohol,” said lead author of the study Paul Gilbert, Assistant Professor at University of Iowa.

Experts have known for decades that drinking is a common coping response to stress - a phenomenon called stress-reactive drinking, Gilbert said.

As drinking is also recognised as a stressor, the researchers wanted to find out if people drink in response to discrimination.
The findings were published online in the journal Social Science & Medicine.

Gilbert searched six online databases for studies related to discrimination and drinking, winnowing his potential sources down to about 1,200 scientific studies that met his criteria.

From there, he identified 97 peer-reviewed, published research papers with quantitative evidence that showed a link between discrimination and heavy and hazardous drinking.

Seventy-one studies involved racial discrimination, and the rest examined discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender.

The researchers found that alcohol abuse is one of the negative health outcomes of discrimination.

The study also identified gaps in the research. For example, the majority of studies involved interpersonal discrimination against African Americans, such as being treated poorly in a store or being called a name.

More studies need to be done about discrimination against other groups, including other racial and ethnic groups, and discrimination due to religion, sexual orientation, gender, age, or disability status, Gilbert said.

Eat pasta to cut that extra flab

If you cannot resist pasta, go order another red-sauced one as contrary to popular belief, eating pasta does not add fat but actually help shed extra kilos.
According to researchers, eating pasta -- the fundamental component of Italian Mediterranean tradition -- can lead to a decrease in the body mass index (BMI) as well as decrease the likelihood of both general and abdominal obesity.

"Our data show that enjoying pasta according to individuals' needs contributes to a healthy body mass index, lower waist circumference and better waist-hip ratio," said lead author George Pounis from IRCCS Neuromed Institute in Italy.

Mediterranean diets have always been known as one of the healthiest nutritional regimes.
Hhowever, in recent years, pasta gained a bad reputation and was shunned from diets on the grounds that it leads to obesity.

"Mediterranean diet, consumed in moderation and respecting the variety of all its elements (pasta in the first place), is good to your health," added Licia Iacoviello from Neuromed Institute.

Pasta consumption is associated with better weight management in part because it often occurs as part of a healthy Mediterranean diet, said the paper published in the journal Nutrition and Diabetes.
For the study, the team examined over 23,000 people recruited in two large epidemiological studies.

"By analysing data of the participants and their eating habits, we have seen that consumption of pasta, contrary to what many think, is not associated with an increase in body weight, rather the opposite," explained Pounis.