Tuesday, May 17, 2016


This is one very hot summer days, ice cold glass of lassi How can bring peace of mind, it goes without saying. Excellent taste. People usually drink sweet or salty lassi been rucibhede. However, such a small difference in taste lassi pustigune brings big changes. There are two types of calcium and patasiyamasamrddha food lacchii but not quite. But it is playing, it does not.
For those trying to lose weight is lacchiyamra salty, salty lacchita more work for them. Because, sweet lacchite calories may increase due to the weight. On the other hand, diabetes naturally salty lassi to drink.

Eat the sweet lassi
Sweet lassi body brought back to power. Ojanasunyataya those who are suffering, they suggested eating sweet lassi She said. If the body weakness and growing children, more of a sweet lassi.

For those harmful
When kidney disease pathyabidera must consult before taking any lassi. There are more than those of potassium in the blood after a meal patasiyamasamrddha, they certainly must be avoided.
Here are two important elements of lassi (for one) has been trying to promote:

Material salty lassi, sweet lassi
114 calories 7
A total of 0.9 grams of fat, 5 grams
4 mg cholesterol, 17 mg
1227 mg sodium, 51 mg
174 mg potassium, 93 mg
A total of 29 grams of carbohydrates, 13 g

3. g protein, 13.8 g

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